Friday, December 30, 2005

Going Vegan Difficult for Veggie Teen

Dear Savvy Vegetarian,

I'm 16 and I've been vegetarian for about 8 months. My boyfriend didn't like the sound of it at first, he eats a lot of meat. So for the first three or so months, he was constantly nagging me as to why I was being vegetarian, how it wouldn't help save any animals. But now he has gotten used to it, and supports me. He doesn't like the idea of me giving up. However, I want to go vegan, and he says if I do he will not support me. And my mother doesn't have a college education, so she doesn't make much money. She wouldn't have much money to spare to buy organic foods. Vegan food is more expensive than store brand macaroni and cheese, so going vegan would be really difficult. um... any advice would be greatly appreciated. :) Thank you, L.

Advice From Savvy Veg:

Dear L.,

First, congratulations on becoming vegetarian under tough conditions.

It would be nice for you if you had a boyfriend who felt the same way you do, or was at least supportive. But, if you want to keep this one, try to be more assertive. Of course, your boyfriend shouldn't be expected to conform to your dietary needs, and neither should you be expected to conform to his. It's your body, your life, your decision. Whether or not you stay with him, if you're with anyone this domineering, who eats meat, and you allow him to bully you like this, you won't be vegetarian for long.

As for your Mom, I have a lot more sympathy for her, since you're her family, you live with her and she pays the bills. But being vegan isn't a lot different than being vegetarian. If you're not eating organic now, then you don't have to as a vegan. And processed food, (precooked, frozen or in a box), whether vegan, organic, or not, is nutritionally challenged as well as expensive.

I know you probably don't have a lot of time, what with school and your boyfriend, and maybe work. But I strongly recommend that sometime soon, you buy a cookbook, and start to cook for yourself. Maybe make some money and chip in for food. It'd be cheaper and healthier to make at least some of your own food. Maybe dinner, and a lunch to take to school?

I don't think you should rush into being vegan, at least while you're living at home. You've taken a giant step in a good direction, becoming vegetarian. Take your time, let it settle for a while, learn about vegetarian nutrition, learn to cook for yourself, sort out who you are and what you want and need, as a person separate from her boyfriend and her Mom. That's enough pressure on you for now.

I've attached two other free reports for you, just fyi: 10 Tips For Beginning Vegetarians, and Vegetarian Nutrition..

I've been pretty outspoken with you, but that's just me. It's entirely up to you to decide whether my advice suits you or not. I'm cheering for you anyway.

Please let me know how things go with you,

All the best, Judy Kingsbury, Savvy Veg

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